Why Water Tank Cleaning is Essential and How Do You Do it?


Water tanks especially domestic water tanks should be inspected regularly and cleaned. Unlike many countries , Dubai residents are more susceptible to water tank contamination as it is not maintained or sealed properly. It is really sad that most of us pay little attention to the condition of water tank reservoir that stores our water.

water tank cleaning Dubai

Associated Risks

Stagnant, low circulation water sources is a potential breeding ground for harmful bacteria. Stagnation is caused by number of factors. Even if the risks are low regular cleaning and disinfection is very essential. Water storage tanks are a common source of nutrients  for bacteria. Over time dirty tank develops rust, sediment, silt. Unchecked tanks become even more contaminated with organic matter and the  risk also lies in debris coming in from the mains. Actually tank act as a catchment area for bacteria and debris.


Guidelines For Water tank Cleaning

The water tank cleaning procedure is explained below. You can see the guide to the design, installation, testing and maintenance services.

Steps to be done before you start water tank cleaning:

  1. Ensure the team who clean water tanks are trained and certified.
  2. Check the risk assessment before the work to familiarize technicians and responsible persons.
  3. Communicate with all building users that cleaning work is about to start.
  4. Take the photographs of water tank before starting the work.
  5. Pre disinfection cleaning is required.
  6. Tank inlet must be isolated so that tank can be drained.
  7. Booster pumps associated with the system should be isolated from  mains power supply.

Emptying and Cleaning the tank

  1.    Empty the tank.
  2.    Take photo of the empty tank.
  3.   Tank entry -  if entry is necessary then two persons(technicians) can be present with confined space safety rules, regulations and the procedures must be followed.
  4.     Cleaning – Clean all internal surfaces, vaccum the floors and walls with wet vac. All dirt and debris should be removed. Signs of damage, corrosion, black spotting and deficiencies should be noted.
  5.    Refill and flush the tank with fresh mains water to check the leaks.

Disinfection And Chlorination

1. Note Ph of the water.

2. Carry out the chemical disinfection  after cleaning by chlorinating the water.

3. Determine volume of the tank, concentration, min. contact time etc.

4. Use chlorine test kit to check Sodium hypochlorite and do not add any chemical until tank is half filled.

5. Add further sodium hypochlorite if required and re-test to achieve 50 PPM free residua chlorine in the tank.

6. Once required chlorine level is maintained and achieved then the outlet of the tank can be opened.

7. Chlorinated water flows to all outlets and needs to be checked by a technician by opening taps and showers.

8.  Testing taps/ showers is not possible or practical as a minimum, test sentinels at the end of each pipe-run with proportionate number of outlets.

9. Ensure 50 PPM is achieved at all sentinels for 60 minutes.


System Recommissioning

1.After the contact time, chlorinated water water must be neutralized using Sodium Thiosulphate.

2.Dissolve tephid water and dose tank. Allow to flow the water distribution system and check water is no longer chlorinated using iodide papers.

3.Drain tank to half way by opening drain valve using pump and pump out.

4.Once the system is flushed through or drained TDS should be measured  and levels should be equivalent.

5.Record the achieved levels in the clean and disinfection report or log book.


Final Steps

1.Photograph the condition of water  before reapplying the tank lid.

2.Complete the disinfection label for each tank and indicate if down services were included.

3.Sign and attach the label to each tank.

4.If hot down services were disinfected, turn on the calorifier and ensure the temperature of the water.

5.Ensure the equipment is removed and all valves are open on the tanl and calorifier.


When To Clean

  • When and how often you should clean the tank differ depending on whether the cold water storage tanks are potable or non potable.
  • Temperature of tank from inlet and outlet should be inspected at least annually.
  • Internal inspection of contamination and debris should be carried out at every 6 months.
  • Microbiological samples should be taken every 6 months for potable water and for non potable water as required by a control scheme.
  • Water tanks should be cleaned and disinfected annually for potab;e water and only when inspection deems necessary for non potable water.

Thus, domestic water tank cleaning is about maintaining hygiene in water, human health and safe water distribution systems.



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